As we promised, there are new things in the air...
One month ago we decided to get back in the studio and record some new stuff;
well,"new" maybe isn't the right word,'cos we recorded an elettro-unplugged version of some of our old songs, adding three covers that for one reason or another we've always liked and performed:
Max Romeo's "Chase The Devil", Elliot Smith's "Angeles" and Gigi Restagno's "Coriandoli A Natale".
The last one is a song written by a long time friend of the band, unfortunately passed away few years ago.
All this new material is going to be released on November 10th, collected in a double disc
that will also contain a live performance,recorded in Turin last year during the last gig of the "Terrestre Tour".
The double CD is titled "Terrestre live e varie altre disfunzioni".
On the same day will be released the DVD "Be Human:Cronache Terrestri_Tour 2005", a documentary that shows Subsonica's live activity -including backstage/on the road moments- from April until December 2005.
See ya soon!
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